Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Importance of colors and contrast in web design.

The Importance of colors and contrast in web design.

In creating your web designs, it is important that it is pleasing to the eye.

In this world, the color theme of a site is obviously important. A lot of aspiring designers have a tenancy to use too many colors, simply because they’re there. But I like using no more than 2 primary colors and a third “secondary” color that I will use sparingly throughout the design. A simple color theme is easier on the eyes, easier to “comprehend” and overall just looks better. Of course there are exceptions to this, but 9 times out of 10, it’s always better to keep the color theme simple.

The color theme also needs to connect with the visitors and the purpose of the site. For example, I wouldn’t use blue and florescent green/yellow for a site about health - it simply doesn’t make sense and I think that’s a given.

Contrast is hugely important. It’s very important that your content and navigation are correctly contrasted. The foreground text needs to either be very dark, or very light in comparison with the background color. I see a lot of sites where the text will be a light gray and the background is white - err! That’s very annoying and hard to read.


  1. Colors contrasting should be kept in mind while designing a web site or any web application. It should be good looking to the visitors.

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  2. Very nice and informative sharing.A good contrast is very important aspect in web designing.The colors we use,the amount and types of content we display,can have a big impact on what our viewers see and do.Thanks for the post.
